Category Archives: Dealing with Patient

Preterm delivery puts women at risk of cardiovascular disease

Preterm births are quite common, and previous research has linked preterm delivery with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in the mother. A new study investigates further.New research finds a link between preterm delivery and maternal risk of cardiovascular disease. Preterm births occur when a baby is born earlier than 37 weeks into the pregnancy. […]

Eating hot red chili peppers may help us live longer

New research brings some good news for lovers of spicy foods, after finding that eating hot red chili peppers might help to extend lifespan. Consuming hot red chili peppers might reduce mortality risk, say researchers. A study of more than 16,000 people in the United States revealed that individuals who consumed red chili peppers had […]

New urine test can quickly detect whether a person has a healthy diet

Scientists have developed a urine test that measures the health of a person’s diet.The five-minute test measures biological markers in urine created by the breakdown of foods such as red meat, chicken, fish and fruit and vegetables.The analysis, developed by researchers from Imperial College London, Newcastle University and Aberystwyth University, also gives an indication of […]

Bee sting vaccine opens door to new allergy remedies

A bee vaccine developed in Australia is opening doors to new remedies for a range of other insect, plant and pollen allergies.Researchers from Adelaide in South Australia have developed a highly effective vaccine for European honeybee stings using a unique adjuvant. The trials, which were completed last year, were successful but involved only laboratory tests. […]

Antioxidant found in breast milk prevents liver disease, a new study finds

Antioxidants are believed to prevent some chronic illnesses – such as cardiovascular disease and cancer – due to their ability to protect against cell damage. New research suggests that a common antioxidant may also protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. A new study suggests that an antioxidant commonly found in breast milk could help to […]

Obesity-associated protein could be linked to leukemia development

Cancer researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine have found an obesity-associated protein’s role in leukemia development and drug response which could lead to more effective therapies for the illness. The study, which will be published online edition of Cancer Cell and led by Jianjun Chen, PhD, associate professor in the Department […]

Weight loss surgery linked to gastrointestinal complaints

Laparoscopic gastric bypass is an effective treatment for obesity, but a new study finds that patients who undergo the surgery often complain of gastrointestinal problems. The study included 249 obese patients who underwent the surgery and 295 obese controls, all of whom completed a questionnaire. Surgical patients completed the questionnaire two years after surgery. Surgical […]

Researchers add to evidence that common bacterial cause of gum disease may drive rheumatoid arthritis

Investigators at Johns Hopkins report they have new evidence that a bacterium known to cause chronic inflammatory gum infections also triggers the inflammatory “autoimmune” response characteristic of chronic, joint-destroying rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The new findings have important implications for prevention and treatment of RA, say the researchers. In a report on the work, published in […]

Your left hand knows what your right hand is doing

 The saying goes that “your left hand doesn’t know what your right hand is doing,” but actually, your left hand is paying more attention than you’d think. Researchers at Tel-Aviv University found that when people practiced finger movements with their right hand while watching their left hand on 3D virtual reality headsets, they could use […]

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